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 1. Perry Cook  Linear Quantization  Real Sound Synthesis 
 2. Album  Quantization Proclamation  Quantization Proclamation 
 3. Prince of Darkness  Black Bad Drum Quantization Society  Punchfest 2: Wrestling Games 
 4. A Blog of Notes  May 2008 Linear  A Blog of Notes 
 5. endo-santos  linear - Sumo gig  endo santos 
 6. Information Ghetto  Linear Behaviour  [brq 044] Information Ghetto - Information Ghetto E.P. 
 7. chthonic  Linear Groove  OC ReMix 
 8. cellular  the linear cube   
 9. Ron Kuivila  10 'Linear Predictive Zoo'  Tellus #22 'False Phonemes' 
 10. Phone Losers of America  Guity Deter and Linear  www.phonelosers.org 
 11. chthonic  Tetris: Linear Groove R:TS Mix  http://remix.thasauce.net/ 
 12. Dr. Lex  20->11100Hz Linear sweep   
 13. Dan Machlin  Beautiful Linear Bodies  Poetic Brooklyn, Chelsea, New York - April 14th, 2007 
 14. Dan Machlin  Beautiful Linear Bodies  Poetic Brooklyn, Chelsea, New York - April 14th, 2007 
 15. Phone Losers of America  Guity Deter and Linear  www.phonelosers.org 
 16. Finn's Motel  Recent Linear Landscapes  Escape Velocity 
 17. chthonic  Tetris: Linear Groove R:TS Mix  http://remix.thasauce.net 
 18. Mutant Star  Mutant Star - Linear Secular  Unreleased 
 19. Yury Lifshits  Suffix Tree in Linear time  Algorithms for Internet 
 20. chthonic  Tetris Linear Groove OC ReMix  http://www.ocremix.org 
 21. Dr. Claire J. Dandeneau & Dr. Lorraine J. Guth  CAS055 - Non-Linear Supervision Using Innovative Technology  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 22. Dr. Claire J. Dandeneau & Dr. Lorraine J. Guth  CAS055 - Non-Linear Supervision Using Innovative Technology  CounselorAudioSource.Net 
 23. Hard Sleeper  Linear tape/recorded some Sunday/rim-shot/slow-fall  Format 
 24. Hard Sleeper  Linear tape/recorded some Sunday/rim-shot/slow-fall  Format 
 25. Brandon Sanderson, Howard Tayler, Dan Wells  Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 4: Non Linear Story Telling  Writing Excuses Season 3 
 26. Robert Heiber  It's Not Just Analog: Issues and Problems Recovering Linear Digital Audio Tracks  2009 ARSC Conference 
 27. Man Or Astroman?  Song for the Two Mile Linear Particle Accelerator, Stanford University, Stanford, California  2000-11-01 - Maida Vale BBC Studios 
 28. Man Or Astroman?  Song for the Two Mile Linear Particle Accelerator, Stanford University, Stanford, California  2000-11-01 - Maida Vale BBC Studios 
 29. Charles Leiserson  Lecture 05: Linear-time Sorting: Lower Bounds, Counting Sort, Radix Sort  MIT OCW: 6.046J/18.410J Introduction to Algorithms , Fall 2005 
 30. Man Or Astroman?  Song for the Two Mile Linear Particle Accelerator, Stanford University, Stanford, California > Television Fission  2001-12-17 - Liquid Joe's 
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